8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan

Tsuen Wan West Station: Exit C3 (6-minute walk)
Tsuen Wan Station: Exit B1 (14-minute walk)
Nina Tower Bus Terminus (1-minute walk)
278X, 33A, 48P, 51, 53, 73X, A31
Tsuen Wan West Station Public Transport Interchange (8-minute walk)
234A/234B, 273C, 273P, 290/290A, 31, 34, 36, 39A, 43, 43B, 43X
Yeung Uk Road Market (1-minute walk)
41M, 41P, 42M, 49X, 930A
Taxi/Coaches (1-minute walk)
Outside the lobby of Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West, there is a designated area for pick-up and drop-off. Upon arrival, you can instruct your driver to proceed to Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West and then walk to Nina Park.
Hourly Parking
Nina Mall 1 and Nina Mall 2 offer a limited number of EV charging stations and approximately 400 parking spaces, making it convenient for visitors who drive.
Nina Park (hereinafter "the Park") endeavors to offer a comfortable, safe and enjoyable experience of the recreational facilities for our guests. For sake of safety and better enjoyment of the Park, all guests must comply with all notices posted, and directions or requests made by the Park Management. Please show common courtesy and do not use profanity or engage in any unsafe, illegal, or offensive behaviour.
Important Guidelines:
Safety Issues:
- No Smoking
- No Climbing
- Please supervise your children and ensure their safety at all times
Protect the Exhibits and the Environment:
- Protect the Wood Fossil and Exhibits Collections
- Please do not walk on, stand, sit, lie upon any of the exhibits (e.g. fossils) or any other artwork found in the Park
- Please Keep Clean
- Foul or pollute any such water
- Entering any flower-bed, shrub or plant or any ground in course of preparation as a flower-bed or for the growth of any tree, shrub or plant is prohibited
- Plucking or damaging any bud, blossom or leaf of any tree, shrub or plant or damage any part of any tree, shrub or plant is prohibited
- Removal, cutting or displacement of any soil, turf or plant is prohibited
Visit and Experience:
- Please feel the outdoor wood fossils with your bare hands gently
- Sit back and relax to enjoy the fossil! You can draw them out
- Welcome to raise questions to our staff learning more about fossils
Pet Guidelines
- We welcome pets at Nina Park. Please keep your pet in your arms or secure it in a pet stroller or a carrier at all times within the park premises (indoor and outdoor), except for guide dogs
- For the enjoyment of all our visitors and furry friends, please protect the wood fossils, keep the park clean and safe, and be fully responsible for your pet's behaviour. Keep your pet under control and do not allow it to foul the park in any way
- Cleaning charges and compensation may apply if any damage or mess is caused
- If a pet owner fails to comply with the guidelines listed above, or the pet behaves in a manner that causes any nuisance, threat, danger or harm to other visitors or pets, Park staff reserve the right to ask the owner and pet to leave the Park
- For enquiries or assistance, please contact our Park Attendant at the Information Centre or call 2439 1618
1. Please avoid bring the following items:
- Dangerous or hazardous materials, including flammable and corrosive substances
- Carts or other wheeled carriers (with the exception of baby strollers and wheelchairs) including, but not limited to, skateboards, scooters, in-line skates, shoes with built-in wheels, coolers, two wheeled and three-wheeled conveyances
- Weapons of any kind
- Glass containers (excluding baby food jars)
- The Park reserves the right not to allow any item we deem inappropriate to be brought into the park area
2. The following activities are not allowed:
- Bird Feeding
- Carving or Graffiti
- Release Your Own Animals in Park
- Catching of Living Creatures
- Bathing or washing in any water feature
- The distribution or posting of printed materials of any kind in the Park without written permission of the Park Management.
- Unauthorized events, demonstrations or speeches and other unauthorized public gatherings
- Begging or soliciting alms, gambling, touting, or any unlawful or immoral activities
- Holding any event organized for the purpose of raising funds, whether for charity or otherwise without the authority granted by the Park Management
- Operate or play, or make any sounds on, any musical or other instrument, including any gramophone or radio apparatus or sing any song without written permission of the Park Management
- The display of any flag, banner or other emblem
- Willfully or negligently throw, discharge, or shoot any missile, gun, air-gun, bow and arrow, catapult, or other device
- Flying of kites and model aircraft or drones
- Skateboarding and all cycling activities avoid running into the exhibits and wood fossils causing any injuries
- Erection of any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure, or bring in materials for such a building or structure
3. Conduct of public
- A person shall not enter or remain in the Park or a part of the Park when it is closed to the public
- Please do not lie upon or put your feet on sitting bench
- Please do not dispose any litter, paper or rubbish in the Park
- Spit in the Park in an unhygienic manner is prohibited
- A person must not light any fires, barbecue or cook food in the Nina Park
- Alcohol consumption is prohibited in the Park area without authority granted
- Please do not enter a restricted area without authority granted
- Please do not remove or interfere with any equipment, apparatus, fitting or facility
4. Photography, videotaping, or recording
- Please seek prior approval for media activities in the Park
- Photographs and videos may be taken for personal use only (including photography with wedding suits or dresses, graduation gowns or special costumes), commercial photography, videotaping, or recording is strictly prohibited except with prior permission.
- Filming applications (Download here) should be submitted to the park at least seven working days before the filming date. The park will inform the applicant in writing, in advance, if the application has been approved.
- In case the approved filming or shooting activities have been re-scheduled or cancelled, please inform the park asap.
- For security reasons, surveillance cameras are used at the public areas of the Park
- The Park Management may photograph, film, videotape, record or otherwise reproduce the image and/or voice of any person who enters the Park and use the same for any purpose without payment to any person
For inquiries or applications regarding media and other filming activities (including photography, videotaping, or recording, etc.), please contact us by email at ninapark@chinachemgroup.com.
5. Appropriate clothing
For the comfort of yourself and other Park guests, please always dress appropriately all the time while in the Park. The Park Management reserves the right to exclude visitors who wear clothing that are potentially offensive to others in messages and/or language or material, clothing that exposes excessively inappropriate portions of the body such as bikini. Depending on the venue and event, variations and exceptions may be made by the Park Management.
6. Certain Park areas assigned for specific uses
Some of the Park areas and facilities may have been assigned for specific use purposes and relevant notice or signs have also been set up in conspicuous position. For running activity specified in the notice, which, may need to abide special guidelines or requirements, as well as to prevent damage, danger or discomfort for other Park users, we reserve the right in assigning relevant areas or facilities for the exclusive use of authorized users.
7. Attraction restriction
Please pay attention to restrictions for certain areas than these Park guidelines dictate. Please read carefully before choosing whether to enter the attraction. All Park guests are required to abide by these guidelines once entering the attraction.
8. Suspension of use of park facilities
If any Park facilities have been marked unfit for use and a notice or signal has also been set up in conspicuous positions for the purpose, no person shall use relevant facilities without prior authorization.
9. Park closure
The Park Management may from time to time, without prior notice change the operating hours of the Park or attractions. We may close the Park or any part of it temporarily, restrict the number of persons entering, and/or suspend or cancel any attraction, facility or entertainment program. This may be out of capacity, inclement weather or special events, to ensure safety, security or order, when the circumstances so requires.
10. Obstructions to visitors or keepers
· A person shall not obstruct, disturb or annoy any other person in the proper use of the Park.
· A person shall not obstruct, disturb or interrupt a keeper or other public officer in the execution of his duties or other people working in the Park authorized by the keeper or public officer.
11. Failure to comply
Please comply with Park guidelines and regulations for we reserve the right to deny admission, or to require a person already admitted to leave the Park to ensure safety, security or order.
12. Damage of park property
The user shall be held liable and make full compensation for any intentional damage of fossils, equipment and/or facilities in the Park at market rate.
13. Lost or damaged personal property
The Park Management is not responsible and shall not be held liable for any loss of and/or damage to any personal properties and/or belongings of guest. All guests of the Park are at their sole responsibilities. Any unattended object will be dealt with by the Park Management as it sees fit.
14. Personal accident or injury
The Park Management shall not be held liable for any accidents and/or personal injuries howsoever caused during the use of the Park. Do stay cautious as all guests of the Park are at their own risks.
15. Interpretation
For the purpose of these Guidelines and Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires – "Keeper" and "Park Management" means any person appointed by the “Nina Park” to manage the Park.
16. Notices:
The Park Management reserves the right to change, alter, add, delete, suspend, revise and update all information in this document at any time at our absolute discretion without giving any prior notice. Please check prior to your visit to ensure you are aware of the latest information.
These guidelines are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
The Terms and Conditions of Use & Guidelines and Regulations of the relevant Park shall apply to all users at the Nina Park.
In case of any dispute, Park Management reserves the right of final decision and interpretation.
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these guidelines, the English version shall prevail.
Nina Park reserves the right in amending the above guidelines and regulations at anytime without prior notice.
Visitor Guidelines of the Wood Fossil Experience Centre
· Please do not make excessive noise inside the Experience Centre. Please switch your phones or other sound-making devices to silent mode. If you wish to make a phone call, please be considerate in volume
· No food or chewing gum in the Experience Centre
· Please do not run or play inside the Experience Centre
· Please do not touch, move or lean against any exhibits unless specifically allowed by the Museum. Please maintain a safe distance from all exhibits, cases, platforms, and pedestals. To protect the exhibits, please carry your backpack on your front
· Please do not write upon, mark, soil, or otherwise damage any objects or properties of the Experience Centre. Visitors may be liable to legal charges and pay for items they damage
Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning / Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3
Nina Park will remain open. Outdoor exhibitions, tours and activities may be suspended.
Black Rainstorm Warning
If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued before 2 hours before opening hour, Nina Park and Experience Centre will remain closed and re-open two hours after the signal is lowered
If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued within opening hour, the Nina Park and Experience Centre will remain open with limited operations
In the above two situations, tours and activities may be postponed or cancelled after the lowering of Black Rainstorm Warning Signal. Visitors may refer to their individual programme page on Nina Park website
Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above
If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is issued before 2 hours before opening hour, Nina Park and Experience Centre will remain closed until the signal is lowered or cancelled. Once the signal is lowered, Nina Park and Experience Centre will re-open two hours after. If the signal is lowered or cancelled less than four hours from the normal closing time, Nina Park and Experience Centre will remain closed for the rest of the day. Visitors may refer to Nina Park website for details.
If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is issued during opening hour, Nina Park and Experience Centre will be closed immediately. Once the signal is lowered or cancelled, Nina Park and Experience Centre will re-open two hours after. If the signal is lowered or cancelled less than four hours from the normal closing time, Nina Park and Experience Centre will remain closed for the rest of the day. Visitors may refer to Nina Park website for details.
In the above two situations, tours and activities may be postponed or cancelled after the lowering or cancelled of Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above. Visitors may refer to their individual programme page on Nina Park website.